ECB Analog & Digital I/O (ADIO)


The ECB ADIO board provides both Analog and Digital I/O capabilities, which can be used by builders to interface their RBC systems to external digital and analog systems. Additionally, 2 J-type thermocouple signal conditioners are included for reading of temperatures.

Main features of the board include:

  • 82C55 Parallel Interface chip for Digital Input & Digital Output
  • MAX158 8-channel, 8-bit ADC for Analog Input
    • 2x AD594 Thermocouple Signal Conditioning chips for interfacing J-Type thermocouples to the MAX158
  • DAC0832 1-channel, 8-bit DAC for Analog Output

Hardware Documentation

Board: diptrace_pcb_-_rbc_adio.pdf

Schematic: diptrace_schematic_-_rbc_adio.pdf

Manufacturing Files: FIXME Files not on old wiki FIXME

KiCAD Files: FIXME Files not on old wiki FIXME

Builder's Notes/Comments

Please use this space to add any notes/comments on this board that don't fit into the above sections. (Periodically, these comments may be re-arranged to be better incorporated into a new revision of the wiki page.) Please sign your comments using the wiki “Insert Signature” feature! — Andrew Bingham 2016/02/28 02:14

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File List

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
diptrace_pcb_-_rbc_adio.pdf123.3 KiB2016/02/28 02:18
diptrace_schematic_-_rbc_adio.pdf184.8 KiB2016/02/28 02:18
ecb_adio_front.png191.1 KiB2016/02/28 02:21
boards/ecb/adio/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/06 14:01 by admin
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