ECB Bus Extender


The ECB Bus Extender card extends the ECB bus upwards so that a card can be more easily debugged with access to both sides above the card cage/enclosure. Connection points are also provided where bus signals can be probed or disconnected if desired.

This board was designed by Michael Haardt who made many early contributions to the original projects which later became the RBC wiki. His original site for the board can be found here

Hardware Documentation

Current Version: “February 2011”

Board: printing_bus_extender-brd.pdf

Schematic: printing_bus_extender-sch.pdf

Manufacturing & KiCAD Files:

(Note - the above .zip contains several sets of files and could use some clean-up. This is the most recent set of files available)

Build Information

Builder's Notes/Comments

Please use this space to add any notes/comments on this board that don't fit into the above sections. (Periodically, these comments may be re-arranged to be better incorporated into a new revision of the wiki page.) Please sign your comments using the wiki “Insert Signature” feature! — Andrew Bingham 2016/02/27 13:01

File List

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
busextender-feb-2011.zip1.0 MiB2016/02/25 01:57
busextender.lst1.3 KiB2016/02/25 01:57
busextender.zip444.2 KiB2016/02/25 01:57
printing_bus_extender-brd.pdf455.0 KiB2016/02/25 01:57
printing_bus_extender-sch.pdf72.5 KiB2016/02/25 01:57
boards/ecb/bus-extender/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/06 13:57 by admin
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