ECB Active Termination Board

The ECB Active Termination board is an original design by Wolfgang Kabatzke. This design has not been manufactured and tested.

The current version is a regeneration from Wolfgang's original designs. It may contain errors.

Additionally, this design was generated prior to enhancement of the ECB bus which now includes additional address, data and signal lines. As it currently stands, it supports Z80 style systems with 16 bit address bus and 8 bit data bus.

The regenerated board has a 5cm x 10cm form factor and should suit manufacture as a 2 up board using the 10cm x 10cm low cost form factor provided by Chinese fabrication houses.



The ECB Active Termination board provides active termination to the signals on the ECB bus.

Hardware Documentation

Build Information

Builder's Notes/Comments

Please use this space to add any notes/comments on this board that don't fit into the above sections. (Periodically, these comments may be re-arranged to be better incorporated into a new revision of the wiki page.) Please sign your comments using the wiki “Insert Signature” feature! — Andrew Bingham 2016/02/27 13:01

File List

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
active-ecb-termination.brd.pdf288.5 KiB2016/04/16 14:33
active-ecb-termination.sch.pdf77.7 KiB2016/04/16 14:33
bd675-bd679.pdf103.6 KiB2016/04/16 14:33
bd677-bd682.pdf90.2 KiB2016/04/16 14:33
ecb-atba-gerbers.zip167.8 KiB2021/03/05 21:00
ecb-atba-kicad.zip807.6 KiB2021/03/05 21:01
tl080-tl084.pdf371.0 KiB2016/04/16 14:33


Wolfgang is not currently active in the Retrobrew community. Attempts to contact by email have not been successful.

I can be contacted at difficultylevelhigh @ or on the retrobrew computers forum as user b1ackmai1er

boards/ecb/orphaned/active-termination/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/05 21:17 by b1ackmai1er
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