Retired ECB Card Information

The following ECB cards have been retired or superceded. FIXME A .zip archived is provided with information on each card. FIXME

Card Name Notes
ECB 6x0x Backplane .zip Archive Replaced by the 6x0x-ATX-6U board.
ECB 6x0x IO Mezzanine .zip Archive Replaced by the 6x0x-ATX-6U board.
ECB 6x0x Host Processor Replace by the 6x0x-ATX-6U board. ECB 6x0x Host Processor Legacy Wiki Folder
ECB Backplane-6 .zip Archive Replaced by Backplane-8 board.
ECB SBC V1 Replaced by ECB SBC V2 board. ECB SBC V1 Legacy Wiki Folder
boards/ecb/retired/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/16 21:09 by admin
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