S100 Utility 02 - MSX2 peripheral board.

This is a board to add some MSX peripherals to a S-100 system:

-Cartridge port slot.

-System expansion port (MSX bus system)

-MSX2 system clock


-MSX keyboard port

-Data cassette tape recorder port

-Centronics (14 pin) parallel printer port

-Serial port

The system needs a S100 VDP board to provide MSX graphics, sounds and game ports, and a Z80 cpu board with the ability to disable its ROM.

Prototype version 02 is re-designed to include the Neil Bredeen's revisions.

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
as-built.docx1.6 MiB2017/10/31 06:03
bomv02.xlsx8.6 KiB2017/10/31 06:03
msx2.zip53.7 MiB2017/10/31 06:03
s100-msx2util02.pdf1.3 MiB2017/10/31 06:43
s100_utility_02.zip1.5 MiB2017/10/31 06:05
s100utility02-back.jpg2.2 MiB2017/10/31 07:06
s100utility02-front.jpg2.8 MiB2017/10/31 07:06
boards/s100/msx2-utility/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/31 07:57 by jordi.solis
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