MPU302 Software Updates

The assembly language software were assembled with EASy68K tool, downloadable from

The AMbug monitor, BIOS for CP/M-68k, drive A & B may be updated with the following procedures. Use the “send text file” command of your terminal program to upload. This program will auto-execute when file loading is finished. When program execution is completed it will display “S record execution completed” and prompt for more inputs.

CPM BIOS updates

There are 4 pieces of software for CPM updates: CPM15000, BIOS, utility software to clear memory, and flash programming software to copy CPM15000+BIOS into flash. The software can be uploaded individually as follow:

  • Upload clrCPMmem.s68. This program will auto-execute when file loading is finished. When program execution is completed it will display “S record execution completed” and prompt for more inputs. Please note that source & listing are also included in the zip file, only upload the file with .s68 extension
  • Upload CPM15000.s68.
  • Upload MPUBIOS_v2.s68 (note: the source & listing are also included in the zip file, only upload the file with .s68 extension)
  • Upload MPUBIOS_v2_1.s68 ← this is 12/26/17 update replacing MPUBIOS_v2.S68
  • Upload progCPM.s68. This program will auto-execute when file loading is finished. When program execution is completed it will display “S record execution completed” and prompt for more inputs.

Alternatively a combined program, progCPMall.S68, can be uploaded that will do all the above in one upload. This program will auto-execute when file loading is finished.← Do not use this method.

Drive A updates

The available flash memories are split into two drives. Drive A contains the CP/M 68K v1.3 distribution files and drive B contains additional utility files. The drive images were created using cpmtools. The image is first loaded into MPU302 RAM and then programmed into flash memories. Drive A image is larger than MPU302 RAM, so it is split into two parts and uploaded/programmed in two separate steps.

  • Part 1 of drive A image. Upload the data file, CPMDSKA1.TXT, first. This is a large file and will take about 15 minutes to load. Next, upload the program file, progdska.s68. It will auto-execute when file loading is finished and copy part 1 of drive A into flash.
  • Part 2 of drive A image. Upload the data file, CPMDSKA2.TXT, first. This is a large file and will take about 15 minutes to load. Next, upload the program file, progdskb.s68. It will auto-execute when file loading is finished and copy part 2 of drive A into flash. This will complete the process of updating drive A.

Drive B updates

Drive B is 384K bytes in size and contains additional utilities for CP/M 68K. Upload the data file, CPMDSKB.TXT, first. This is a large file and will take about 10 minutes to load. Next, upload the program file, progdskc.s68. It will auto-execute when file loading is finished and copy the drive B image into flash.

AMbug update

Rev2.07c of AMbug simplifies the hardware handshakes. The file AMbug_prog_010.s68 is used to program primary monitor. The file AMbug_prog_040.s68 is used to program the backup monitor.

Rev 2.07b of AMbug. The file AMbug_prog_010.s68 is used to program itself. The file AMbug_prog_040.s68 is used to program the backup monitor.

boards/sbc/mpu302/mpu302updates.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/05 21:15 by plasmo
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