Build procedure for Tiny68K bare pc board
Note: This page is for reference. This is not the build instruction for Tiny68k kits that were shipped. Refer to kit 2 instruction.
- Solder the Altera EPM7128 with a fine-tip. Match pin 1 of EPM7128 (marked with a dimple) with silkscreened pin 1.
- Resistors R3-R9 (220 ohm), R14 (2.7K), R13 (4.7K), R16-18 (4.7K), and R10 (10K).
- Do not populate R11 and R15
- SMT filter capacitors C9-C12, C10-C12 are located at the solder side of the pc board
- SMT resistor R12 (27K) located at the solder side of the pc board
- SMT capacitors C2-3 (20pF) located at the solder side of the pc board
- Bypass capacitors
- 3.6864MHz crystal
- DIP8 sockets for U5 and U7
- 4-pin socket for the 8-16MHz oscillator, the socket can be built out of individual machined socket pins and hold in proper alignment with a 14-pin socket
- Solder two terminals of T1 with a jumper wire
- SIP resistors R1-2 (4.7K)
- 7-segment LED display, the decimal point is nearest to the pcb corner
- push button for reset
- MCP130 voltage supervisor
- 2×5 header for Altera programming header
- 2.5mm power jack
- Connect USB blaster to Altera programming header, apply 5V via the 2.5mm power jack (center is +5V, barrel is ground), program & verify the CPLD
- Install 2-terminal headers at T18/19, T20/21
- Install 68000
- Install 68681
- SIMM72 socket
- 6-pin header for the console serial port
- Program a 24C256 with boot software, install the 24C256 in U5 and install a shorting block between T18/19
- Install 44-pin IDE-CF module, keep the module at the same level (another word, in the same plane) as the board before soldering
- Power up!