Build procedure of Tiny68K partial assembly

  1. Solder the Altera EPM7128 with a fine solder tip. Match pin 1 of EPM7128 (marked with a dimple) with silkscreened pin 1.
  2. SMT filter capacitors C9-C12, C10-C12 are located at the solder side of the pc board
  3. SMT resistor R12 (27K) located at the solder side of the pc board
  4. SMT capacitors C2-3 (20pF) located at the solder side of the pc board
  5. Install R13, 4.7K resistor
  6. Install Altera programming header, P2
  7. Program the Altera EPM7128. Make record of the current consumption. During programming the current should be 70-80mA. After programming the current should be lesser than 200mA.

Photos of a partial assembly.



boards/sbc/tiny68k/tiny68k_partial_bd.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/07 00:14 by plasmo
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