Build procedure of Tiny68K partial assembly
- Solder the Altera EPM7128 with a fine solder tip. Match pin 1 of EPM7128 (marked with a dimple) with silkscreened pin 1.
- SMT filter capacitors C9-C12, C10-C12 are located at the solder side of the pc board
- SMT resistor R12 (27K) located at the solder side of the pc board
- SMT capacitors C2-3 (20pF) located at the solder side of the pc board
- Install R13, 4.7K resistor
- Install Altera programming header, P2
- Program the Altera EPM7128. Make record of the current consumption. During programming the current should be 70-80mA. After programming the current should be lesser than 200mA.
Photos of a partial assembly.