I arranged a bulk purchase of PC boards and programmed PIC32's / Parts for Geoff Graham's PIC32 Ascii Terminal.

I still have a few PC boards and parts available.

Here are some notes from the project:

Geoff's documentation for the ASCII PIC32 terminal are at http://geoffg.net/terminal.html

Construction Notes:

The PIC32 is pre-programmed with Firmware V1.3 and I've pre-tested them all in a working setup.

Really a quick easy kit to construct, took me under 30 minutes to have it up and running.

There were some small differences between the schematic, parts list, and silk screening.
The schematic and parts list use a 10K/100K pair of resistors for RxD, but the silk screening has 4.7K and 47K.
I provided the 10K and 100K pair. The 4.7K just above the TTL Serial connector should be the 10K, and the 47K resistor next to
the USB connector should be 100K

I sourced 1/8 watt resistors for all but the 82 ohm resistors. This was by error, but shouldn't be an issue as none of them will
dissipate anywhere close to 1/8 watt.

The VGA connector I received has pins that are a bit narrow, but with a slight bit of spreading will fit the PC board just fine.

The DIN Keyboard connector has two tabs that need to be clipped off to fit the PC board.

The pin strip can be easily snapped for the various lengths needed with lots left over.

There is really no need for the ICSP connector unless you plan to reprogram the PIC32 with the PICKIT3 programmer.

The LED mounts with the longer lead as “+” and the flat side away from the USB connector.

Don't forget to connect one of the “BLU” “GRN” “RED” pads! I'd suggest the “GRN” personally.


Jumper the USB power connector, Baud Rate jumper “A” and the Rx/Tx pins with the three jumpers provided.
Hook up a standard PC keyboard, VGA monitor and USB power adapter.
The LED should light, you should get a welcome message on the screen, and key strokes should echo to the screen.

SHIFT-F12 on the keyboard will bring up a menu.

USB Driver for the board is on Geoff's site at Silicon_Chip_USB_Serial_Port_Driver.zip

The RS232 voltages are really TTL level only, which won't work properly in all circumstances.

Very inexpensive boards are available on Ebay to handle TTL<→RS232 voltage conversion.

Search for “RS232 Serial Port To TTL Converter Module DB9”.

I paid under $1 for a module and connecting wire jumpers including shipping.

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builderpages/gary_kaufman/ascii32_terminal.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/10 01:05 by gkaufman
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