SB134X, Exploring W65C134


W65C134 is a 6502-based microcontroller with built in ROM, serial port, timers, and discrete I/O. It is capable of 14MHz operation. SB134X is a prototype board for W65C134 with CPLD and RAM to explore various capabilities of W65C134. Here is the online discussion about SB134X.



  • W65C134
  • EPM7128SQC100 CPLD
  • 128K RAM
  • Compact flash interface
  • 100mmX100mm PCB with prototype area

Design Information


Gerber photoplots

CPLD design files


Simpler W65C134 Design

W65C134 computer can be as simple as W65C134 with a 32K of RAM without any glue logic. The RAM is located from $100 to $7FFF and decoded with 65134's chip_select_6 output. This is the schematic of the simpler W65C134 design. Engineering changes for the simpler W65C134.



builderpages/plasmo/sb134/sb134_r0.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/09 07:23 by plasmo
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