96-pin DIN 41612 connector
Pin | Function | Comments |
C1 | Power In | 28V in, cathode of CRB12-2 |
C2 | 82C55PC0 | 82C55 PC0 via 1K resistor |
C3 | Invert of Green LED | Low when green LED lit, High when green LED is off |
C4 | 82C55PC1 | 82C55 PC1 via resistor |
C5 | 68302TCLK+RS485 | 68302 TCLK1+ |
C6 | 68692OP3-RS232 | driven by OP3 of 68692 |
C7 | 68692TxDB-RS232 | driven by 68692-13 TxDB |
C8 | 68692OP1-RS232 | driven by OP1 of 68692 |
C9 | 68692-IP3-RS232 | goes to 68692-3 (IP3) |
C10 | GND | Digital Ground |
C11 | 686892RxDB-RS232 | driven by 68692-11 RxDB |
C12 | To 68692-5 (IP1) | |
C13 | 68302nIACK1 | To 68302-110(nIACK1) with 10K pullup |
C14 | 82C55PA6 | 82C55 PA6 |
C15 | GND | Digital Ground |
C16 | 68302nIACK7 | To 68302-108(nIACK7) with 10K pullup |
C17 | 68302nIACK6 | To 68302-109(nIACK6) with 10K pullup |
C18 | GND | Digital Ground |
C19 | 82C55PC5 | driven by PC5 of 82C55-14 |
C20 | GND | Digital Ground |
C21 | TPA7 | To TPA7 test point and Vpp (pin 1) of UB2 & UB3 |
C22 | 82C55PC6 | driven by PC6 of 82c55-13 |
C23 | TP11-1 | driven by nPBRST of UI2-14 |
C24 | 82C55PC7 | driven by PC7 of 82c55-11 |
C25 | GND | Digital Ground |
C26 | 82C55PA4 | 82C55 PA4 |
C27 | discrete In, D9 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
C28 | discrete In, D11 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
C29 | discrete In, D13 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
C30 | discrete In, D15 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
C31 | 82C55PA7 | 82C55 PA7 |
C32 | Power In | 28V in, annode of CRB12-3 |
B1 | GND | Digital Ground |
B2 | 68302RxD1+RS485 | 68302 RxD1+ |
B3 | 68302RxD1-RS485 | 68302 RxD1- |
B4 | 82C55PC4 | driven by PC4 via resistor network |
B5 | 68302TCLK-RS485 | 68302 TCLK- |
B6 | 68302RxD2-RS485 | to 68302 RxD2- |
B7 | 68302RxD2+RS485 | to 68302RxD2+ |
B8 | 68302TxD2+RS485 | driven by 68302-54 TxD2+ |
B9 | 68302TxD2-RS485 | driven by 68302-54 TxD2- |
B10 | GND | Digital Ground |
B11 | 82C55PA0 | 82C55 PA0 |
B12 | 82C55PA1 | 82C55 PA1 |
B13 | 82C55PA2 | 82C55 PA2 |
B14 | 82C55PA3 | 82C55 PA3 |
B15 | GND | Digital Ground |
B16 | 82C55PA5 | 82C55 PA5 |
B17 | 82C55PB6 | 82C55 PB6 |
B18 | 82C55PB7 | 82C55 PB7 |
B19 | 82C55PB4 | 82C55 PB4 |
B20 | GND | Digital Ground |
B21 | 82C55PB5 | 82C55 PB5 |
B22 | 82C55PB2 | 82C55 PB2 |
B23 | 82C55PB3 | 82C55 PB3 |
B24 | 82C55PB1 | 82C55 PB1 |
B25 | GND | Digital Ground |
B26 | 68692IP5-RS232 | to IP5 of 68692 |
B27 | discrete In, D8 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
B28 | discrete In, D10 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
B29 | discrete In, D12 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
B30 | discrete In, D14 | 10K resistor isolation and pull up |
B31 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
B32 | NC | use this pin to bring in +5V |
A1 | Power In | 28V in, annode of CRB12 |
A2 | 68302TxD1+RS485 | driven by 68302 TxD1+ &loopback |
A3 | 68302TxD1-RS485 | driven by 68302 TxD1- &loopback |
A4 | 82C55PC3 | to 82C55-19(PC3) via 1K resistor |
A5 | GND | Digital Ground |
A6 | 68692RxDB+RS485 | 68692 RxDB+ |
A7 | 68692RxDB-RS485 | 68692 RxDB- |
A8 | 68692TxDB+RS485 | 68692 TxDB+ |
A9 | 68692TxDB-RS485 | 68692 TxDB- |
A10 | GND | Digital Ground |
A11 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A12 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A13 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A14 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A15 | GND | Digital Ground |
A16 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A17 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A18 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A19 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A20 | GND | Digital Ground |
A21 | 68302PA12-RS232 | driven by 68302-68(PA12) |
A22 | 68302TxD3-RS232 | driven by TxD3 of 68302 part of complex network |
A23 | 68302nRTS3-RS232 | driven by nRTS3 of 68302 |
A24 | 68302CD3-RS232 | go to 68302-77(CD3) |
A25 | GND | Digital Ground |
A26 | discrete In | Complex ckt |
A27 | 68302nCTS3-RS232 | to 68302 nCTS3 |
A28 | NC | |
A29 | 82C55PB0 | PB0 of 82C55 |
A30 | 82C55PC2 | to 82C55-18(PC2) via 1K resistor |
A31 | 68302TCLK3-RS232 | driven by TCLK3 of 68302 part of complex network |
A32 | Power In | 28V in, annode of CRB12-1 |