VGA Expansion for 128KB RAM, 2-board stack (with PS2 interface)


  • Plug in existing 128KB RAM socket
  • 25.175MHz pixel clock, 60Hz VGA
  • 4K dual port RAM for video memory and font lookup tables
  • 64-macrocell CPLD, EPM7064SLC44
  • 64 columns, 48 rows of 8×8 pixel monochrome text
  • Video RAM can be written any time
  • PS2 keyboard interface

Design Files

Schematic of RAM base board with PS2 CPLD

Schematic of dual-port VGA board

Gerber photoplots of RAM base board with PS2 CPLD

Gerber photoplots of dual-port VGA board

builderpages/plasmo/vgaxram/2-boards/with-ps2.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/27 22:29 by plasmo
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