Analog clock on 128x64 OLED display over I2C bus


Z280RC has a real-time clock and I2C bus connector. This project display the RTC values on a 128×64 OLED display.


I2C Interface

A small adapter converts pins on UEXT connector to a 4-pin connector suitable for 128×64 OLED display. The pin assignment are:

UEXT pin 1 to OLED pin 4 (VCC)

UEXT pin 2 to OLED pin 3 (Ground)

UEXT pin 5 to OLED pin 2 (SCL)

UEXT pin 6 to OLED pin 1 (SDA)


Software driving the analog display.


YouTube video link:

The software is under construction. Currently it displays the clock in accelerated time to check the graphical shape of second/minute/hour hand.

builderpages/plasmo/z280rc/app_analog_clock.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/03 14:03 by plasmo
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