The ZRCC boot ROM exists as a Verilog lookup table in CPLD. Below is the listing of the boot ROM code.

;ROM inside CPLD
; two sections of code:
;   serial bootstrap is 16 bytes, strapped to high ROM
;   CF bootstrap is 30 bytes, strapped to low ROM
;   hardware jumper selects high ROM and low ROM
; CF is in native 16 bit mode
; only the low byte contains meaningful program
; read data from master boot sector
;   execute the program in master boot sector to load more program
RxData      equ 0f9h            ; CPLD UART receive register
TxData      equ 0f9h            ; CPLD UART transmit register
RxStat      equ 0f8h            ; CPLD UART transmitter status/control register
TxStat      equ 0f8h            ; CPLD UART receiver status/control register

CFdata       equ 010h        ;CF data register
CFerr        equ 011h        ;CF error reg
CFsectcnt equ 012h        ;CF sector count reg
CF07         equ 013h       ;CF LA0-7
CF815        equ 014h           ;CF LA8-15
CF1623       equ 015h           ;CF LA16-23
CF2427       equ 016h           ;CF LA24-27
CFstat       equ 017h           ;CF status/command reg

    org 0

    inc a        ;padding, do nothing
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    ld hl,0b000h    ;bootstrap code starts from 0xb000
; examine the serial data ready flag and CF busy flag to decide which device to bootstrap from.
    in a,(0f8h)    ;read serial port data ready flag
    and 1        ;
    jr nz,serboot    ;if serial data ready, do serial bootstrap
;    ld d,e        ; reg A is zero here.  de is 0ffh after 1st loop
;    dec de
;    cp d
;    jr nz,aa
    in a,(CFstat)    ; read CF status
    and 80h        ; mask off all except busy bit
    jr nz,readbsy
;reg A is already 0
    ld b,a        ;make reg B zero
;;; not necessary to be in LBA mode because it set to read master boot sector
;;;    ld a,0e0h        ;set up LBA mode
;;;    out (CF2427),a    ;
    out (CF1623),a    ; track 0
    out (CF815),a
    inc a        ;master boot sector is sector 1
    out (CF07),a    ;read master boot sector (sector 1)
    ld c,CFdata    ; reg C points to CF data reg
    out (CFsectcnt),a    ; write to sector count with 1
;;;    ld a,d        ; read CPM sector
;;;    cp 75h        ; between LA70h and LA75h
;;;    jr z,goMon    ; done copying, execute monitor
;;;    out (CF07),a    ; read master boot sector (sector 0)
    ld a,20h        ; read sector command
    out (CFstat),a    ; issue the read sector command
    in a,(CFstat)    ; check data request bit set before write CF data
    and 8        ; bit 3 is DRQ, wait for it to set
    jr z,chkdrq

    inir        ;z80 read 256 bytes
;;;    inir        ;z80 read 256 bytes
    jp 0b000h
    inc a        ;padding, do nothing
    inc a
    inc a

    org 31h
;put this code in high ROM
;boot strap from the serial port
    in a,(0f9h)    ;discard first character read
    in a,(0f8h)    ;read status
    and 1        ;data ready flag is in D[0]
    jr z,serboot1
    in a,(0f9h)    ;read data
    ld (hl),a        ;save program
    inc l
    jr nz,serboot1    ;read 256 bytes
    jp (hl)        ;same as jp 0b000h

builderpages/plasmo/zrcc/cpldbootrom.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/05 09:36 by plasmo
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