ZRCC, Z80+RAM+CPLD+CF disk, Rev 1.1


ZRCC rev 1.1 is electrically same as rev 1, but without the engineering change to correct the schematic errors. Please refer to rev1 homepage for descriptions of ZRCC and its software. Only the revised design files and pictorial assembly instruction will be included in this page

Design Information


Gerber photoplots

Bill of Materials ← is same as ZRCC rev 1

CPLD equations

Memory map ← is same as ZRCC rev 1

Pictorial Assembly Guide is slightly different than the rev1 assembly guide because the cuts and jumpers associated with engineering change are no longer needed.


ZRCC rev1.1 software is same as ZRCC rev1

builderpages/plasmo/zrcc/zrcc1_1.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/25 22:20 by plasmo
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