Table of Contents
Zuno, CP/M-ready Z80 SBC for Arduino Mega Enclosure
- Z80 overclocked to 22MHz
- ROMless
- Battery-backed 128K RAM
- Altera EPM7064S in PLCC44 package
- 4 banks, each bank is 32KB
- Simple serial port with serial bootstrap capability
- Serial port operates at 115200 N81, no handshakes
- I2C bus
- Real-time-clock with PCF8563
- Disk-on-module mass storage
- CP/M 2.2 and CP/M 3
- RC2014 I/O bus interface
Refer to the Z80SBC64 function section for a description of the Zuno functionalities
Design Information
Zuno software is compatible with Z80SBC64.
Engineering Change for Rev 0.3 board
Modify I2C bus connector pin assignment, this is only applicable to rev 0.3 pc board
Getting Started with Zuno
Zuno monitor manual is same as Z64Mon, the monitor for Z80SBC64 and Z80MB64
Loading software into a new DOM
Zuno Projects
Zuno has two expansion ports, I2C and RC2014. External hardware can connect to these ports for additional capabilities.
- Interface to 128×64 OLED display
- Interface to WS2812B pixel addressable RGB LED
- Interface to RC2014 I/O modules
- Bridge to RC2014 backplane