ZZ80MB Rev0, A Z280-based Motherboard with RC2014 Expansion (Obsolete)


Please note, this is rev0 of ZZ80MB, it is superceded by ZZ80MB rev3.

ZZ80MB is a Z280-based motherboard with RC2014 expansion slots. It is based on the ZZ80RC-CF design, but with additional expansion slots added.




  • Z280 CPU configured to Z80-compatible mode running at 24MHz with selectable bus speed of 12 MHzor 6 MHz
  • 1/2 megbyte of non-volatile RAM
  • RAM-only system, programs are loaded into the non-volatile RAM in UART-bootstrap mode.
  • CP/M 2.2 and CP/M 3 ready.
  • CF interface supports 4 CF drives
  • 3 RC2014 expansion slots
  • One internal UART at 115200 baud, odd parity, no handshake
  • bootstrap to ZZ80Mon, a simple monitor
  • A standalone single-board computer with I/O expansion bus compatible with RC2014 I/O bus

Design Information


Gerber photoplots

Bill of Materials


ZZ80Mon, a simple monitor for ZZ80MB


builderpages/plasmo/zz80mb.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/28 09:17 by plasmo
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