PCB is marked with “v3” but it seems like this is in fact the same as v2. I just uploaded the gerbers directly to JLCPCB without any modification.

DSKY keyboard/display unit to be used with the SBC v2 or v3.

I used SBC v003A (it needs a 26 pins par connector not IDE)

Its powered by pin 25 on the par port via K9[2-3] on the SBC.

K1 on the DSKY need to be jumpered [2-3] to get power from pin 25.

Set PC-terminal (I used Tera Term and a USB to serial adapter) to 9600 baud 8N1 and no flow, VT100 is okey, see pictures below for furter details.

Boot options:

DSKY button “BO” + “0” = Boots to Serial monitor

DSKY button “BO” + “1” = Boots to CP/M v2.2. Look in drive F: and G: for some tools.

Not sure about the key labeling on this version of the DSKY PCB vs the pdf manual…?

(I have some extra pcbs in Norway if anyone interested)

Front pcb (unfinished)www.retrobrewcomputers.org_lib_plugins_ckgedit_fckeditor_userfiles_image_builderpages_speed3ple_images_img_20200322_113109small.jpg

Done! Seems to be working
Serial settings:www.retrobrewcomputers.org_lib_plugins_ckgedit_fckeditor_userfiles_image_builderpages_speed3ple_images_img_20210328_001339small.jpgwww.retrobrewcomputers.org_lib_plugins_ckgedit_fckeditor_userfiles_image_builderpages_speed3ple_images_img_20210328_001349small.jpg

Boot up message: “-CPU UP-”

(K1 was missing when image was taken)
Boot: BO + “0”www.retrobrewcomputers.org_lib_plugins_ckgedit_fckeditor_userfiles_image_builderpages_speed3ple_images_img_20210328_001316small.jpg


builderpages/speed3ple/dsky.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/16 04:46 by speed3ple
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