ECB DualSD card

PCB made by JLCPCB from the new Gerber files, but had to rename some files and re-zip before uploading.

Compile RomWBW SBC.ASM file with these switches:

The SD card sockets I have (ebay) needed bending of WP pin and a small cut with a knife to the GND pad next to the WP pin to ensure no short there.
I used a 9pin 33K SIP resistor in RR3 and a 9pin 1K in RR1. Schematics show that a 10pin is not needed at any of these. All TTL is 74LS.

The P3 and P4 is like this: [818881] as in 8=open, 1=short.
I'm not sure how to use P6 settings for IRQ.
The K2 Reset is set to Kontron std.

Seems to be working fine together with SBC v4z, DiskIOv3 and PropIO

Pictures are coming…

ECB DualSD card works fine with SBC v4z (12Mhz). ECB-DualSD
Screenshot: RomWBW booting / drivelist
Screenshot:Copy files between CF(diskio v3) and SD (DualSD)

builderpages/speed3ple/ecb-dualsd.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/07 08:36 by speed3ple
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