ECB KISS 68030 project page


July 2020:

I got the KISS 68030 new print board in the mail!
KISS 68030 PCB

July 2020:

KISS 68030 and first MF-PIC board with some sockets

Waiting for parts…

August 2020:

Still waiting for a few parts. (XTALS, El-caps, SIMM sockets)

Have discovered a problem with TL866 and programming the ATF22V10's…
As it is right now. (Not working) www.retrobrewcomputers.org_lib_plugins_ckgedit_fckeditor_userfiles_image_builderpages_speed3ple_images_img_20200818_184625small.jpg

builderpages/speed3ple/ecb-kiss-68030.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/11 12:58 by speed3ple
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