ECB RamFloppy board:

This is the R11 version.

Built with 8 x AS6C4008-55 and a mix of HC, AHCT and LS logic.

Lesson learned: If You try to use 2 RamFloppy boards at the same time, pay attention to current draw from the power supply. My first power supply could not keep up; 5volt was down to 4,45volt and there was trouble booting system.

I used a SMD version of the TLC7705D on a small adapter board. Seems to work.

Good read/write speeds!

ECB-RamFloppy pcb completedECB-RamFloppy completed PCB
ECB-RamFloppy in use

builderpages/speed3ple/ecb-ramfloppy.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/28 06:36 by speed3ple
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