T030 mk.II - 68030 SBC
The T030 is my attempt at a 68030 based single board computer capable of running Linux.
The mk.II version has the following specifications:
- 68030 CPU running at 25 MHz
- 512 kb ROM/flash
- 512 kb SRAM
- 64 MB DRAM (4 x 16 MB 30 pin SIMM)
- IDE port
- RS232 TTL-level console
- SPI bus with 4 chip selects
KiCad project files :builderpages:tobster:t030_mkii_kicad.tar.gz
Schematic :builderpages:tobster:t030_mkii_schematic.pdf
Gerber files :builderpages:tobster:t030_mkii_gerber.tar.gz
Altera Quartus II project files / VHDL source for glue logic :builderpages:tobster:t030_glue_altera.tar.gz
Altera Quartus II project files / VHDL source for DRAM controller :builderpages:tobster:t030_dram_altera.tar.gz
Updated glue logic for improved IDE timings :builderpages:tobster:t030glue.zip
ROM BIOS/boot loader source :builderpages:tobster:t030bios_src.tar.gz
Linux kernel patch for 4.4.174 :builderpages:tobster:linux-4.4.174_t030.patch.gz
Linux kernel patch for 4.9.156 :builderpages:tobster:linux-4.9.156_t030.patch.gz
Initrd image with simple BusyBox based root fs: :builderpages:tobster:initrd.gz
Initramfs image with simple BusyBox based root fs and dhcp enabled: :builderpages:tobster:initrmfs.gz
For initramfs use the following:
hr initrmfs.gz 0x7f10000
hr linux492.bin 0x4001000 (replace with your kernel binary filename)
l “console=ttyS0” 0x7f10000 0xec100