Plan: Build a computer from parts and get a command line.

Euro Card Bus (ECB), KISS 68030 Because I want to have the ability to run Linux.

Boards are in hand. Parts have been ordered.

Below is a link to the MS Excel sheet I have been using for the Bill Of Materials.

There are three tabs, one each for the ECB KISS-68030, MF-PIC and 4UART.

This spreadsheet shows each part and where I ordered them from. Also it has been reformatted a bit for the sake of consistency. It is a work in progress and surely has many errors, I only uploaded it in hopes it would help other builder. Please download it, edit, format, fix etc. and post it back up.


I will try to share some of my experiences here as I progress.

Side Note: On other architectures, such as Z80, I hope we can see an implementation of Fuzix. Seems like the Z80 computers here would make a good target for Fuzix

builderpages/w0tbd/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/26 15:01 by w0tbd
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