Jackalope MC68030 Board

<Place photos or renders of the board here>


<Populate this area with a brief description of the board>

Hardware Documentation

Board: jackalope-pcb-ver_1.3.pdf

Schematic: jackalope-sch-ver_1.3.pdf

Manufacturing/KiCAD Files: jackalope-d2.zip

Build Information

<Include thinks like parts lists, BOMs, test software, notes from the board designer, etc in this section.>

Builder's Notes/Comments

Please use this space to add any notes/comments on this board that don't fit into the above sections. (Periodically, these comments may be re-arranged to be better incorporated into a new revision of the wiki page.) Please sign your comments using the wiki “Insert Signature” feature! — Andrew Bingham 2016/02/27 13:01

No images found.

File List

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
jackalope-a.zip532.7 KiB2016/07/30 10:56
jackalope-b.zip1021.7 KiB2016/07/31 13:30
jackalope-d2.zip1.5 MiB2017/06/20 23:40
jackalope-pcb-ver_1.3.pdf4.2 MiB2017/06/20 23:44
jackalope-sch-ver_1.3.pdf1.7 MiB2017/06/20 23:44
dev/boards/jackalope_68030/start.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/20 23:45 by admin
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