The UNA tools are one:

HEX2BIN.EXE – DOS/Windows version, compiled with 'gcc' from DJGPP. This 32-bit executable requires a DPMI interface. It may be run under Windows 98 or later. To run under DOS, the CWSDPMI.exe extender is required; it is a part of DJGPP.

BIN2HEX.EXE is identically the same file, just renamed. The operation of the executable depends upon what name it is invoked with. Do not rename either file.

Both DOS/Windows and Linux executables are provided. All are 32-bit versions. The Linux version, although compiled for Win-32, also runs on Win-64 (Windows 7, at least).

FilenameFilesizeLast modified
hex2bin.zip113.5 KiB2015/10/31 18:45
software/firmwareos/una/tools/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/31 18:43 by wwarthen
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